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Hunter Carr and Vicki Carr
Hunter Carr has been called an “entrepreneur’s entrepreneur.” He has known huge successes and even bigger failures. He has faced more adversity than most of us will ever experience, and he keeps on going. He hopes to share his “Attitude of Gratitude” through articles at this site and says:

“In the past several years, God has taught me a few things about how to handle difficult situations and relationships. In sharing a few of the principles He has communicated to me, I want you to know that I do not know how to handle trials and troubles, but God does, and I am thankful.

“Thankfulness provides for me a platform for attempting great things for God instead of wallowing in the what ifs and if onlys that cause depression and anxiety. God’s hand is on my life, and He gives me direction.

“I am regularly faced with tremendously high stress levels, and I take my problems to God and gain His perspective about them. I have been blessed with the Best Wife in the World, and my sweet Vicki has been with me through good times and bad, never wavering in her abiding faith and strength. We give all praise and glory to God and hope that you find the same for your life. We know that all things are possible and that if God is for you, who can be against you?”